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am o telecomanda PILOT UNITEL TF01,si vreau sa o folosesc la un tv sharp model DV-7045S,ce coduri merge la acest tv,sau un manual cu codice ale telecomenzi daca are cineva,va rog mult.

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  • bubusmecherul


  • tehtronics


  • misuraelectronic


  • dan-a2


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TF 01 - este pt. Thomson, Telefunken, Saba

Tie ti-ar trebui: ES 01 sau TSM 01

Poti incerca totusi o cautare automata:

Step 1: Turn on your device (TV, VCR, etc.)

Step 2: Press CODE button and direct your remote towards your equipment you want to control.

Step 3: Press the OFF key, and keep it pressed until your equipment turns off.

Step 4: As soon as your equipment turns off release the OFF key.

sau, cu cod 179, manual:

Step 1: Look up the 3 digit code for your device in your user manual or find it using the search box above.

Step 2: Press one of the device buttons.

Step 3: Press the CODE button.

Step 4: Enter the 3 digit code.


Ar trebui sa mearga cu Pilot P1827 ...

Edited by tehtronics
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am facut cum miati zis,dar ioc,la apsarea butonului power se aprinde 3 leduri, rosu,verde,rosu,dupa care se sting,rosu si verde,si ramane unul singur, rosu,dar nu porneste,am facut cum miati zis,ce pot face.adica telecomanda sa fie,ES 01,sau ves-01.

Edited by bubusmecherul
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N-ai inteles...

Unitel este o telecomanda universala, dar pentru grupe de marci:

-modelul tau(TF 01): pt. marcile Thomson, Telefunken, Saba

-modelul ES 01: pt. marcile Elbe, Sharp, Samsung, Sanyo

-modelul TSM 01: pt. marcile Toshiba, Sharp, Sanyo, Mitsubishi


Oricum, sunt telecomenzi universale depasite.

Orienteaza-te pe MFY, BRAVO...

Edited by tehtronics
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acest  televizor  este  un  pic  mai  pretentios .  el  functioneaza  cu  urmatoarele  telecomenzi ...

1--  rrmcg1040bmsa ,  oem sharp .

2--  com3876 ,  com .

3--  ir241 , gbs .

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din  pacate ,  exact  in  variantele  de  mai  sus  sint  aproape  imposibil  de  gasit  pe  piata  din  rsr  . daca  ar  fi  dupa  mintea mea , eu  as  incerca  mai  intii  si  mai  intii  cu  un  p4031 ,  care  este  mai  usor  accesibil . 

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