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doresc, daca este cineva amabil sa-mi eexplice in BASCOM liniile:


1wwrite &HCC

1wwrite &H44

1wwrite &HBE

&HCC,&H44 si &HBE sunt niste adrese din dataschetul integratului DS18B20?


un catalog cu coduri bin si hex am gasit http://www.ascii.cl/conversion.htm , dar aceste coduri nu am gasit.

Vreau sa stiu daca se se scoate din dataschet si atunci cum?

atasez prgramul de unde am scos aceste linii

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doresc, daca este cineva amabil sa-mi eexplice in BASCOM liniile:


1wwrite &HCC

1wwrite &H44

1wwrite &HBE

&HCC,&H44 si &HBE sunt niste adrese din dataschetul integratului DS18B20?


un catalog cu coduri bin si hex am gasit http://www.ascii.cl/conversion.htm , dar aceste coduri nu am gasit.

Vreau sa stiu daca se se scoate din dataschet si atunci cum?

atasez prgramul de unde am scos aceste linii

Uite ce scrie in datasheet -ul lui DS18B20

1-Wire Bus Activity

Command Description Protocol After Command is Issued Notes


Convert T Initiates temperature 44h DS18B20 transmits conversion 1

conversion. status to master (not applicable

for parasite-powered



Read Scratchpad Reads the entire scratchpad BEh DS18B20 transmits up to 9 data 2

including the CRC byte. bytes to master.

4Eh Master transmits 3 data bytes to 3

Write Scratchpad Writes data into scratchpad

bytes 2, 3, and 4 (TH, TL, DS18B20.

and configuration registers).

Copy Scratchpad Copies TH, TL, and 48h None 1

configuration register data

from the scratchpad to



Recalls TH, TL, and B8h DS18B20 transmits recall status

Recall E

configuration register data to master.

from EEPROM to the


Read Power Signals DS18B20 power B4h DS18B20 transmits supply status

Supply supply mode to the master. to master.

To get this information, the master can issue a Skip ROM

[CCh] command followed by a Read Power Supply [b4h] command followed by a ?read time slot?.

During the read time slot, parasite powered DS18B20s will pull the bus low, and externally powered

DS18B20s will let the bus remain high. If the bus is pulled low, the master knows that it must supply the

strong pullup on the 1-Wire bus during temperature conversions.

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va multumesc frumos :danzup"eu eram derutat si nu intelegeam ca in dataschet era "h" dupa 44 sau BE si in program chiar invers h44 si hbesi daca tot an deschis acest subiect va rog imi spuneti inca la o aplicatie care ati facut-o la TDA7318 si ATMEGA8515:I2csend &H88 , Vol_meI2csend &H88 , Att_rfI2csend &H88 , Att_lf&H88 cum sa-l iau din dataschet?

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din ce mi-ati explicat la TDA7318 codul il iau din partea aceasta a dataschetului:



Interface Protocol

The interface protocol comprises:

A start condition (s)

A chip address byte, containing the TDA7318

address (the 8th bit of the byte must be 0). The

TDA7318 must always acknowledge at the end

of each transmitted byte.

A sequence of data (N-bytes + acknowledge)

A stop condition (P)




S 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ACK DATA ACK DATA ACK Pde aici se da hexul atunci


Data Transferred (N-bytes + Acknowledge)

ACK = Acknowledge

S = Start

P = Stop

MAX CLOCK SPEED 100kbits/s



Chip address





poate , par cam dificil cu atitea intrebari , dar din exemple invat cel mai usor si asa am invatat pina acum

Tot odata va multumesc mult "DANZUP"

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din ce mi-ati explicat la TDA7318 codul il iau din partea aceasta a dataschetului:



Interface Protocol

The interface protocol comprises:

A start condition (s)

A chip address byte, containing the TDA7318

address (the 8th bit of the byte must be 0). The

TDA7318 must always acknowledge at the end

of each transmitted byte.

A sequence of data (N-bytes + acknowledge)

A stop condition (P)




S 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ACK DATA ACK DATA ACK Pde aici se da hexul atunci


Data Transferred (N-bytes + Acknowledge)

ACK = Acknowledge

S = Start

P = Stop

MAX CLOCK SPEED 100kbits/s



Chip address





poate , par cam dificil cu atitea intrebari , dar din exemple invat cel mai usor si asa am invatat pina acum

Tot odata va multumesc mult "DANZUP"

Da .

Iar informatiile despre i2c bus se dau foarte bine in helpul lui Bascom .

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  • 2 weeks later...

vin din nou cu o alta intebare ,doresc sa incerc sa sa fac o comunicatie i2c cu un Atmega 8 si TDA8421 .La acest TDA8421 am doua sectiuni pentru iesire ,una cu corectie de ton si cealalta fara corectie de ton .Pentru incepuc sa initiez poartea fara corectie de ton este posibil sa fac? Nu are influenta ca nu am comenzi pentru sectiunea cu corectii?Sau in partea cu corectii , pot folosi doar sectiunea volum,intrare si iesire fara corectii?Va multumesc.

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