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Pe scurt e vorba de schimbarea unui ecran grafic de la o scula Yamaha RM1x cu un alt tip de ecran


In manualul de service se poate vedea pinoutul celui vechi:

pin 1 - Contrast pot
Pin 2 - Contrast pot
Pin 3 - XD3 - 4-bit X-driver (column drive) data output
Pin 4 - XD2 - 4-bit X-driver (column drive) data output
Pin 5 - XD1 - 4-bit X-driver (column drive) data output
Pin 6 - XD0 - 4-bit X-driver (column drive) data output
Pin 7 - LP - X driver Latch pulse - LP latches the signal in the X-driver shift registers into the output data latches. Connect LP to the Y-driver shift clock on modules.
Pin 8 - YD - Scan start pulse/signal- YD is the data pulse output for the Y drivers.
Pin 9 - Ground
Pin 10 - WF - Frame signal for X/Y driver - LCD panel AC drive output. The WF period is selected to be one of two values with SYSTEM SET command.
Pin 11 - XSCL - X-driver data shift clock - The falling edge of XSCL latches the data on XD0 to XD3 into the input shift registers of the X-drivers.
Pin 12 - 5V
am facut urmatoarele legaturi:
pin ecran pin aparat
2.Line Pulse 7. Latch pulse
3.XSCL - X-driver data shift clock 11. XSCL - X-driver data shift clock
4. LCD ac driving input 10 - WF - Frame signal for X/Y driver - LCD panel AC drive output
5,6,7,8 sunt pini de alim si contrast ce nu cred ca pun probleme
9,10,11,12 6,5,4,3 pini de date
13 Disp OFF legat la 5v pt a porni displayul
14,15,16 neconectate
Rezultatul este ca ecranul nu afiseaza nimic , in schimb pot regla contrastul
Intrebarea mea este, acest ecran este macar compatibil cu controllerul(SED1335F0B) din aparat sau unde am gresit?
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update , la mine a ajuns fara lcd iar acum am aflat ca facea la fel si cu lcd vechi deci posibil sa fie controllerul dus sau altceva pe placa

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