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Arduino Nano


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schema pe care am luato de pe net e altfel pe nano nu am D0 siD1 RD WR RS si CS afisajul e la fel am doua afisaje diferenta intre ele e doar ca unul nu are pe spate circuitul notat cu U1 in poza ta

Pai nici nu o sa gasesti aceste adnotari in pinout-ul Arduino.

Pinii cu pricina ii asignezi in sketch cum iti este tie mai convenabil

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nu stiu ce sa mai fac.Am luat de pe net mai multe sketch-uri si cred ca am probleme cu programul majoritatea nu mi le compileaza,

imi da numai erori? Unele sint pntru arduino uno am setat placa ca fiind uno sinici asa nu merg?

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Copiaza asta:

  Main code by Richard Visokey AD7C -
  Revision 2.0 - November 6th, 2013

// Include the library code
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <rotary.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

//Setup some items
#define W_CLK 8   // Pin 8 - connect to AD9850 module word load clock pin (CLK)
#define FQ_UD 9   // Pin 9 - connect to freq update pin (FQ)
#define DATA 10   // Pin 10 - connect to serial data load pin (DATA)
#define RESET 11  // Pin 11 - connect to reset pin (RST) 
#define pulseHigh(pin) {digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin, LOW); }

int_fast32_t rx = 7200000; // Starting frequency of VFO
int_fast32_t rx2 = 1; // variable to hold the updated frequency
int_fast32_t increment = 10; // starting VFO update increment in HZ.
int buttonstate = 0;
String hertz = "10 Hz";
int  hertzPosition = 5;
byte ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, tenthousands, hundredthousands, millions ; //Placeholders
String freq; // string to hold the frequency
int_fast32_t timepassed = millis(); // int to hold the arduino miilis since startup
int memstatus = 1;  // value to notify if memory is current or old. 0=old, 1=current.

int ForceFreq = 1;  // Change this to 0 after you upload and run a working sketch to activate the EEPROM memory.  YOU MUST PUT THIS BACK TO 0 AND UPLOAD THE SKETCH AGAIN AFTER STARTING FREQUENCY IS SET!

Rotary r = Rotary(2, 3); // sets the pins the rotary encoder uses.  Must be interrupt pins.
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 7, 6, 5, 4); // I used an odd pin combination because I need pin 2 and 3 for the interrupts.

void setup() {
  pinMode(A0, INPUT); // Connect to a button that goes to GND on push
  digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2);
  PCMSK2 |= (1 << PCINT18) | (1 << PCINT19);
  pinMode(FQ_UD, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(W_CLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RESET, OUTPUT);
  pulseHigh(FQ_UD);  // this pulse enables serial mode on the AD9850 - Datasheet page 12.
  lcd.setCursor(hertzPosition, 1);
  // Load the stored frequency
  if (ForceFreq == 0) {
    freq = String( + String( + String( + String( + String( + String( + String(;
    rx = freq.toInt();

void loop() {
  if (rx != rx2) {
    rx2 = rx;

  buttonstate = digitalRead(A0);
  if (buttonstate == LOW) {

  // Write the frequency to memory if not stored and 2 seconds have passed since the last frequency change.
  if (memstatus == 0) {
    if (timepassed + 2000 < millis()) {

ISR(PCINT2_vect) {
  unsigned char result = r.process();
  if (result) {
    if (result == DIR_CW) {
      rx = rx + increment;
    else {
      rx = rx - increment;
    if (rx >= 30000000) {
      rx = rx2;
    if (rx <= 1000000) {
      rx = rx2;

// frequency calc from datasheet page 8 = <sys clock> * <frequency tuning word>/2^32
void sendFrequency(double frequency) {
  int32_t freq = frequency * 4294967295 / 125000000; // note 125 MHz clock on 9850.  You can make 'slight' tuning variations here by adjusting the clock frequency.
  for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++, freq >>= 8) {
    tfr_byte(freq & 0xFF);
  tfr_byte(0x000);   // Final control byte, all 0 for 9850 chip
  pulseHigh(FQ_UD);  // Done!  Should see output
// transfers a byte, a bit at a time, LSB first to the 9850 via serial DATA line
void tfr_byte(byte data)
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, data >>= 1) {
    digitalWrite(DATA, data & 0x01);
    pulseHigh(W_CLK);   //after each bit sent, CLK is pulsed high

void setincrement() {
  if (increment == 10) {
    increment = 50;
    hertz = "50 Hz";
    hertzPosition = 5;
  else if (increment == 50) {
    increment = 100;
    hertz = "100 Hz";
    hertzPosition = 4;
  else if (increment == 100) {
    increment = 500;
    hertz = "500 Hz";
    hertzPosition = 4;
  else if (increment == 500) {
    increment = 1000;
    hertz = "1 Khz";
    hertzPosition = 6;
  else if (increment == 1000) {
    increment = 2500;
    hertz = "2.5 Khz";
    hertzPosition = 4;
  else if (increment == 2500) {
    increment = 5000;
    hertz = "5 Khz";
    hertzPosition = 6;
  else if (increment == 5000) {
    increment = 10000;
    hertz = "10 Khz";
    hertzPosition = 5;
  else if (increment == 10000) {
    increment = 100000;
    hertz = "100 Khz";
    hertzPosition = 4;
  else if (increment == 100000) {
    increment = 1000000;
    hertz = "1 Mhz";
    hertzPosition = 6;
  else {
    increment = 10;
    hertz = "10 Hz";
    hertzPosition = 5;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("                ");
  lcd.setCursor(hertzPosition, 1);
  delay(250); // Adjust this delay to speed up/slow down the button menu scroll speed.

void showFreq() {
  millions = int(rx / 1000000);
  hundredthousands = ((rx / 100000) % 10);
  tenthousands = ((rx / 10000) % 10);
  thousands = ((rx / 1000) % 10);
  hundreds = ((rx / 100) % 10);
  tens = ((rx / 10) % 10);
  ones = ((rx / 1) % 10);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("                ");
  if (millions > 9) {
    lcd.setCursor(1, 0);
  else {
    lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
  lcd.print(" Mhz  ");
  timepassed = millis();
  memstatus = 0; // Trigger memory write

void storeMEM() {
  //Write each frequency section to a EPROM slot.  Yes, it's cheating but it works!
  EEPROM.write(0, millions);
  EEPROM.write(1, hundredthousands);
  EEPROM.write(2, tenthousands);
  EEPROM.write(3, thousands);
  EEPROM.write(4, hundreds);
  EEPROM.write(5, tens);
  EEPROM.write(6, ones);
  memstatus = 1;  // Let program know memory has been written

si compileaza-l.

Dupa compilare nu am obtinut erori.



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Sigur am si alte probleme.Si la asta trimis de dvs. da eroareArduino: 1.8.3 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328" ceva de genul:

C:\Users\FANE\Documents\Arduino\sketch_jul20a\sketch_jul20a.ino:9:20: fatal error: rotary.h: No such file or directory
#include <rotary.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Nano.
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
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Am inteles multumesc. M-am uitat mai atent si asta e sketciul pentru generatorul de fregventa pe care il am facut deja si merge

probleme am avut la el din caza encoderului care are doua rezistente smd pe placa si din cauza lor nu lucra,l/am scos si e ok.

Dupa cum am spus acum incerc sa lucrez cu un tft display pe care nu reusesc nicicum sa il fac sa afiseze ceva am incercat o gramada de sketciuri de pe saiturile indicate de autori si nu reusesc.

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Va multumesc pentru ajutor si intelegere, dar cred ca problema sint eu nu schetciurile sau placile. Nu stapinesc lucrul cu programul si librarii multiple.Cred ca trebuie sa ma apuc de studiu si sa depasesc stadiul de inccepator 0.E mai amplu sistemul de lucru si trebuie tratat cu mai multa atentie.

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