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https://s13.postimg.org/6c0urrgon/101_3389.jpg Trackball nou ,disponibile 2 buc= 100 lei/buc

https://s14.postimg.org/o0mrp7k41/101_3391.jpg manusi ESD SAFE - 10 lei perechea

https://s21.postimg.org/kxrouc4uf/101_3394.jpg Antene dual band WI-FI [routere,placi wireles pc ,camere wi-fi,etc] 2,4 si 5,8GHZ ,firma SWIVEL = 3 lei/buc

Flux Kester RF 742 = 20 LEI seringa

https://s15.postimg.org/7zwu2irez/101_3397.jpg Pensete SIPEL [elvetiene] si alte marci -20 lei/buc

https://s16.postimg.org/8b5z9n65x/101_3399.jpg Virfuri Metcal made in USA ,modele STTC-537 si STTC-145 la 50 lei/buc[ studiati Farnell,Mouser,e-bay]

plus ofertele vechi conduri,tresa,Flux OM 338 ALPHA, Lipiciuri Loctite ,spray 3M pt curatat etichete ,etc

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