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Am pe masa un tv DUAL  [tv dual combi]  MODEL NO. LE21DTV  DVD .O701  tv-ul este cu dvd  ,cu urmatoarea problema ,imaginea este un pic pe verde ,mentionez ca pe placa tk verificat tensiuni semnalele RGB cu osciloscopul totul ok  ,mam gindit sa nu fie din tub  ,am facut si artificiul cu separarea filamentului cu spire pe traf  aceiasi problema ,,deci toate culorile lucreaza corect doar ca  albul care ar trebui sa apara  atunci cind trebuie  este putin in verde  mam gindit sa intru in service sa incerc sa reglez de acolo  dar nu prea stiu cum se intra  daca aveti ceva idei asi fi foarte recunoscator  procesorul este LC863532C  JUNGLA  LA   76818   ULTIMA CIFRA SAU LITERA DE LA JUNGLA NU SE MAI DESTINGE ...

chiar nu stie nimeni cum se intra in m service  la acest tv

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 Press 'RECALL' button on the remote control.
** Press "VOL--ve button until the volume level comes to [00].
*** Do not loosen the "VOL--" button, and press the "RECALL" button on the remote control handset again.
**** If all the above operation is correct, factory logo will appear on the screen.
***** Repeat the above as stated, and it will enter into "B/W BALANCE".
****** Repeat the above operation, and, enter into "ADJUSTMENT" Menu.
******* Under this Menu, to call an item to adjust, use "P+ / P- buttons.
******* To change the data value to called item, use "V+ / V--" buttons.
******** Under the "Adjustment" menu mode, Press "Mute" button ot get page setup.
********* To "Exit' from the factory mode, switch the set OFF by its power ON/OFF switch at the front panel.
* Enter into the factory mode first.
** Press the "V--ve" button, until the volume comes to [00]. (Do not loosen the V--ve button)
*** Press "P--ve" button on the remote, and now you can change the logo.
**** Press "V+ / V--ve" buttons to the select word, and press "PP" button to move to next word.
***** Press "RECALL" button to exit from logo settings.

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